
VOG - Veterinary Orthopaedic & Neurologic Group
+386 3 5892 236
+386 3 8917 120

Blog current News and upcoming Event

Blog Category / Current News

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This course is scheduled on 18.2.2017 in Zagreb, Croatia, and is dedicated to those practitioners that intend to improve their knowledge in veterinary orthopedics. Juvenile orthopedic diseases are a common cause of discomfort and lameness in young dogs. Continue reading
The dates have been set for December 10. 2016, the Seminar wil take place at the Hotel Topolšica, Topolšica, Slovenia. Better HURRY with registration. As the number of seminar participants limited, please register for the seminar early. We look forward to working with you and meeting at the Seminar ! Continue reading

Join Us or Renew your VOG Membership!

The membership of the society is comprised to veterinarians, particularly those who are interested in orthopaedics and traumatology.
Members can also be people of other professions which are closely connected to the science of orthopaedy and traumatology.